Stories abound from the first cohort of Matrix Manufacturing Boot Camp graduates.
The commencement event was held at The Matrix Center where one father graduated with his 19-year-old son after encouraging him to learn manufacturing skills that will benefit him for life! A young woman also embraced a field of work she originally never considered.
19 year-old Keyon said – “I actually turned 19 while I was in the manufacturing boot camp. I’m finishing my last semester in high school currently while I’m taking – or finishing the manufacturing boot camp. I worked in landscaping and fast food prior to entering this boot camp. I discovered the program with my father… who one day after work he brought home a flyer, and he didn’t force me to take interest, he didn’t push it into my line of vision but, he kept it honest and he told me like, this will benefit you not for a month, or a year, but long term, for life… I was fortunate enough to be on the factory tour with my fellow wonderful classmates, and prepare myself not only for a safe year, or month, but safe life, thanks to EDSI and this Matrix program. Thank you.”
Keyon’s father Kenneth who also graduated from the program said,
“I’m glad he was able to make it through this course. My whole reason for me bringing him was to start him in a different direction, a better direction. He didn’t know – he worked but he didn’t know about machinery. So I know it made him feel a little more at ease that we did it together.”
Kenneth left / Keyon right
During the graduation speeches, one young woman described how the program made her realize that manufacturing is for men and women.
“I heard about this program through my son’s daycare at Matrix… When you hear about manufacturing you automatically think it’s for males, but when I came I was excited to see it was a female instructor, and when we did the tour, it was a woman working there as well. So I was excited about that, and then I was more excited to be working in manufacturing.”
Another young woman named Christina shared how she realized during the manufacturing tour that women can work in manufacturing and still be pretty.
“I seen a lady working at a grocery store. And she had her hair down pretty but she had her hard hat on and everything… And I’m like, I didn’t know ladies could do that… so you can do hard work with still being pretty, and that’s what caused my interest,” she said laughing.
The Matrix Manufacturing program leader Ron Norwood left the new graduates with some encouraging words for the future as well.
“You have a support system behind you. And you have a certain expectation behind it, right. It’s all about how you take that expectation and support and move forward… And so no matter what you decide to do going forward from this point, just know that it’s gonna be something that will benefit you. You can always look back on this and say, I accomplished something. I did something to better myself.”
The Matrix Manufacturing Boot Camp is a FREE 6-week training designed to give anyone the skills and qualifications needed for a great career in the manufacturing industry. To read more information about the program including enrollment periods and features, follow the link below.
Learn more about the Matrix Manufacturing Boot Camp