On February 1, 2018, Rozetia Jenkins, a Matrix Head Start Building Associate at our Pathways Head Start center, heard a disturbance down the hallway.
A two-month-old infant of a teen enrolled in a separate Pathways program, was choking and turning blue. A parent enrolled in Head Start, and the security guard, rushed the baby to the principal’s office and the security guard began rubbing the child’s back as color was slowly returning to her face.
When Rozetia approached, the child was still struggling to breathe so she began chest thrusts as she was taught in the first aid training Matrix provides each year to our teachers. The infant spit up formula and mucous and began breathing.
When EMS arrived, they began treating the child and transported her to the hospital where it was discovered that she had a hole in her heart and will undergo additional treatment.
Congratulations Rozetia for remaining calm and responding quickly!