For Immediate Release: May 22, 2018
Contact: Kristina Riegle, kristinariegle@gmail.com
Equity and Friends Fight AIDS (EFFA) Distributes Donations to HIV/AIDS Organizations in Michigan
DETROIT, Mich. – Equity and Friends Fight AIDS (EFFA), a Liaison Committee of the Detroit Area Actors’ Equity Association*, has an annual campaign to raise funds for non-profit organizations dedicated to educate, support and prevent HIV and AIDS throughout Michigan.
Participating theatre companies of the 2017-18 campaign include Tipping Point Theatre, Williamston Theatre, Meadow Brook Theatre, Hilberry Theatre at Wayne State University, Jewish Ensemble Theatre, and Detroit Repertory Theatre. Their total efforts raised $12,500.
The monies were distributed to five deserving organizations whose initiatives are imperative to Southeastern and Southwestern Michigan communities affected by HIV and AIDS: Matrix Human Services; UNIFIED – HIV Health and Beyond; Health Emergency Lifeline Programs (HELP); Community Health Awareness Group (CHAG); and Community AIDS Resource and Education Services in Kalamazoo (CARES).
EFFA’s 2018-19 campaign will commence in the fall, but donations are accepted any time of year. To contribute, or find out how you or your company can get involved, please email Kristina Riegle at kristinariegle@gmail.com for more information.
*Actors’ Equity Association is the Union of professional stage managers and actors.